30 July Swedenborg Hall
Two events combined:
London writer, filmmaker and ‘psychogeogrpaher’ Iain Sinclair celebrates his 70th birthday year, with the showing of 70 films, handpicked for their relation to his work. As part of the 70×70 season, the Swedenborg Society is delighted to present Fritz Lang’s fantastic Dr Mabuse saga. These screenings will take place in Swedenborg Hall, ‘one of London’s most atmospheric venues’ (The Guardian) and Iain Sinclair will be present to give readings and discuss the films.
Film Programme:
Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (Fritz Lang, 1922)
The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (Fritz Lang, 1933)
The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse (Fritz Lang, 1960)
(in association with the Goethe Institut)
The launch of the latest volume in the Swedenborg Archive series: Swimming To Heaven: The Lost Rivers of London
The event starts at 11.30 and end at 21:30.
Check the organiser website for details.