On Wednesday 8th May at 21:00 at Mediateca Santa Teresa (Via della Moscova, 28) in Milan (Italy), the Docucity Festival of the Università degli Studi di Milano will screen – in preview for the city – Enrico Masi’s The Golden Temple, a narrative documentary film which provides a different gaze upon the recent London Olympics. The film features an interview with Iain Sinclair, “writer and poet, a leading figure of the British Avant-garde of the ’70?s”.
The film will be introduced to the Docucity audience by the director Enrico Masi; it recuperates the stories of some East London dwellers to narrate, through their own experience, the radical revolution that the British metropolis has undergone on the occasion of this historic sporting and media event. The film describes the massive upheaval which has been caused in some people’s life, like Mike Wells, a reporter who is now forced to live in a boat on the industrial canals of London; or like Rosie, a restaurant owner whose shop has been closed due to unspecified security issues. Nonetheless, there are also positive testimonies, like Sue’s, an Olympic guide who is proud of the Regeneration process.
First presented at last year’s Venice Film Festival – Venice Days, The Golden Temple is a unique and brave film which contrasts personal stories to the huge economic interests at stake, making the process of Olympic Regeneration in East London a metaphor of contemporaneity. This work is hence able to find a perfect position within Docucity, a festival which aims to narrate the contemporary metropolis through original points of view.
“Docucity – Documentare la città” is a project born in 2006 from the collaboration of Università degli Studi’s degree course in Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale and CTU – Centro di servizio per le tecnologie e la didattica universitaria multimediale e a distanza. From its very beginning, the festival has been grounded in the intention of reflecting on the contemporary city through the use of documentary films, with the aim of connecting the filmic analysis to considerations on specific urban themes, identifying its most important research nucleus in a specific interest for intercultural issues. During this year’s edition, the fourth, the winner films will be chosen among 15 work by two different juries.
All Docucity events are free of charge.
For more information, and to know everything on screenings and events, please visit www.docucity.unimi.it