SWANDOWN: A plot by Andrew Kötting and Iain Sinclair
Thursday 9 September 6 – 8pm : Talks
Swandown is both travelogue and odyssey. For the last five or six years we have been formulating a plot to pedal a Swan shaped pedalo from Hastings to Hackney. As part of the research we have walked the entire route and wherever possible followed, rivers, canals, seas and channels. The talk is a work-in-progress and will be assisted by 7 Swandown Bookworks
containing maps, plots, evidence, postcards, correspondence and a website. The work might be seen as an endurance test or pedal-marathon undertaken in the spirit of Dada or the psychogeographical meander.
Venue may have to be changed in bad weather. Call Lorna 07975 872075 for details.
Link to website